We Are Open to U.S. Proposals for New Nuclear Pact, Says Reuters
Moscow Considers New U.S. Nuclear Treaty Proposals
Moscow – Russia is open to discussing fresh proposals from the United States aimed at replacing a recently suspended nuclear agreement from the Cold War era with a more comprehensive treaty that includes additional nations, stated Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov on Thursday.
The country suspended participation in the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty over the weekend following the U.S. announcement of its intention to withdraw in six months unless Russia addresses alleged violations, which Moscow has denied.
The INF treaty, established in 1987, eliminated medium-range missile arsenals held by the two largest nuclear powers. However, it does not restrict other countries from developing and deploying such missiles.
U.S. President Donald Trump expressed interest last week in initiating discussions to formulate a new arms control treaty.
“We noted President Trump’s mention of the potential for a new treaty, which could be ceremoniously signed and involve other participating nations,” Ryabkov said during a press conference in Moscow. “We are eager for this proposal to be detailed and formalized in writing or through other means.”
Ryabkov also mentioned that the United States has yet to present any specific proposals for a new agreement to Russia.