Australian Firm NYBlue Secures Over One Million Carats of Blue Zircon and Launches RWA Token
Brisbane, Australia, August 7th, 2024
Australian gemstone company NYBlue Pty Ltd is positioning itself as a major force in the global gemstone market. The company has announced plans to gain control over the world’s supply of blue zircon, a strategy that could significantly alter the market dynamics for this precious stone.
Earlier this month, NYBlue published a whitepaper outlining its current pre-sale and plans for a public float of its cryptocurrency linked to real-world assets, following the revelation of its holdings of over one million carats of rare blue zircon.
The company’s key strategy involves systematically increasing its inventory by acquiring all available Cambodian blue zircons. This strategy aims to establish control over the supply chain, thereby influencing the potential future value of these gemstones.
Company representatives recently participated in an interview on a popular podcast, announcing the launch of their pre-sale for the RWA token, which has received considerable attention from the cryptocurrency community since its announcement earlier this year.
In a video released by NYBlue, the company poses a thought-provoking question: “What would be a more appropriate display of affection for your significant other—a common piece of carbon, or something ancient, exceedingly rare, and twice as brilliant as diamond?”
Mitch Brownlie, the majority shareholder of NYBlue, expressed the belief that Cambodian blue zircon deserves recognition as one of the most extraordinary, underappreciated, and undervalued gemstones currently available in the market. Brownlie, also an Australian AgTech founder and former political advisor, has discussed the project on various platforms, often drawing comparisons to the rise of tanzanite in the gemstone market when its value surged to reach levels comparable to diamonds.
NYBlue is inspired by the historical price movements of tanzanite, which witnessed a tenfold increase over three years. The company anticipates a similar trajectory for blue zircon, aligning its strategies with historical successes to project a potential rise in value.
The company has previously announced its intention to launch a gemstone-backed cryptocurrency, codenamed ZIRC, where each token will be fully backed by and redeemable for a 1-carat blue zircon. This allows buyers to benefit from the appreciation of blue zircon without the volatility typically associated with conventional cryptocurrencies. ZIRC token holders can redeem their tokens for gemstones at any time, ensuring a stable value linked to the underlying asset.
NYBlue aims to acquire the majority of the available high-quality blue zircons globally, positioning itself as a dominant player in the market. This initiative is designed to impact the supply chain and subsequently influence the market value of blue zircons throughout the industry.
This ambitious endeavor is not aimed at short-term gains, but instead seeks to establish a controlling stake in the multi-billion-dollar gemstone market. With a collection of gemstones valued at around $300 million, NYBlue is determined to change the narrative of the gemstone industry on a global scale.
By launching a blockchain-backed cryptocurrency, ZIRC, NYBlue enables individuals to participate in the potential value increase of blue zircons while minimizing the risks commonly associated with volatile cryptocurrencies. Buyers can redeem their ZIRC tokens for actual gemstones at any time, removing concerns about the token’s value sinking below the market price of the gems, ultimately providing consumers with a tangible and secure investment.
This strategic use of blockchain technology enhances both transparency and security while democratizing access to the international gemstone trade.
In summary, NYBlue’s innovative approach to the gemstone market through the launch of its cryptocurrency aims to offer a unique investment opportunity backed by real-world assets, making participation in the gemstone market more accessible than ever.