
Harris Discusses Racial Identity and Marijuana on Basketball Podcast, Reports Reuters

By Gabriella Borter

Vice President Kamala Harris recently discussed Donald Trump’s remarks regarding her racial identity, the importance of mental health, and her stance on marijuana legalization during a podcast with former NBA players Stephen Jackson and Matt Barnes.

The interview took place at her home in Washington as part of their podcast, "All the Smoke." This conversation is part of Harris’s broader effort to engage more men, particularly Black men, as polls indicate stronger support for Trump among this demographic.

A recent survey showed that 41% of male respondents would choose Harris if the election were held immediately, while 47% indicated they would support Trump. Notably, around two-thirds of Black men expressed their support for Harris.

During the podcast, Barnes referred to Trump’s apparent misunderstanding of Harris’s racial background, inquiring about her feelings on "people questioning the fabric of who you are." Harris, who has an Indian mother and a Jamaican father, responded, "I’m really clear about who I am, and if anybody else is not, they need to go through their own level of therapy; that’s not my issue."

Harris reiterated her previously voiced belief that cannabis should be decriminalized, emphasizing the historical impact of marijuana criminalization on Black communities. "We know historically what that has meant and who has gone to jail," she remarked.

The Vice President also addressed the stigma around mental health. She shared her personal strategies for maintaining her own mental well-being, including exercising, cooking, and avoiding negative social media comments. "I think the mental health issue is probably one of the biggest public policy failures in our country," she stated. "We have acted as though the body starts from the neck down, instead of understanding we need healthcare also from the neck up."

Harris revealed that she faced difficulty sleeping after President Joe Biden withdrew from the race and endorsed her, leading to a whirlwind of activity. On one occasion, she recalled waking up before anyone else and preoccupying herself with cooking, saying, "I just went out and got a pork roast and started marinating it."

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