
Ecuador’s Highest Court Acknowledges Right to Euthanasia, According to Reuters

By Alexandra Valencia

QUITO (Reuters) – Ecuador’s Constitutional Court has approved a request from a terminally ill patient to decriminalize euthanasia and has mandated that the National Assembly establish a regulatory law within a year.

Paola Roldan, diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in 2020, petitioned the country’s highest court in August of last year, seeking recognition of her right to euthanasia in light of her worsening condition and related pain.

The court’s decision is immediately enforceable, allowing Roldan the option of choosing euthanasia at her discretion, as confirmed by her legal representatives.

In its ruling, the court affirmed individuals’ rights to make autonomous and informed choices, including the decision to end intense suffering stemming from severe and irreversible bodily harm or incurable illnesses.

Ecuador joins other countries in the region that have legalized euthanasia, following Cuba’s approval in December and Colombia’s established provisions for it under certain conditions.

Roldan, 42, has shared her struggles with ALS on social media, detailing challenges such as her body rejecting food administered intravenously.

"This has been a very significant moment for me," Roldan expressed to journalists, noting that she will take time to process the implications of the ruling with her legal team. "I am grateful to everyone because today Ecuador is a little more welcoming, freer, and more dignified."

The court also directed the Ministry of Health to formulate regulations for active euthanasia procedures within two months and instructed the ombudsman’s office to draft the necessary legislation for approval by the National Assembly.

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